
Harrow Discovery Centre & Johnny Mullagh Interpretive Centre

03 5588 1387

– Home of Johnny Mullagh and the First XI
– Harrow Sound and Light Show Bookings: or call Harrow Discovery Centre 55881 387

Opening hours:

Monday – Friday: 11.00am  –  4.00pm
Saturday – Sunday: 10.00am  –  2.00pm

Harrow Promotion and Development Group

– Organisers of the Harrow Horsemanship Challenge
– Publisher of the Harrow Happenings

Harrow Bush Nursing Centre

03 5588 2000

– Harrow’s own health services provider
– Regular GP clinics and allied health services, community programs

Harrow Historical Society

03 5588 1286

Barton Garden Club

Other Contacts

Harrow Bush Nursing Centre: 5588 2000

Harrow Post: Marieke and Justin Zammit 5588 1251

Kolmar House: Jenny Mc Kenna 55 88 1201

Hermitage Hotel:  Suzanne Waugh 5588 1209

Harrow Police Station: LSC Alan Perry 5588 1213

Billycarts:  Adam Cunard 0412 486069,  Mick Treloar  0415 187154

Harrow Hall:  Troy Shrive 0427 880265

Calico & Candles:  President -Bronwyn Hobbs  04  tbc

CFA:  Captain Sue Anson 0427 881377

Ron Penrose Artist Studio:  0488 140792

Harrow Recreation Reserve (Football Oval) Cory Shrive:  0427 880230

Golf Club: Mark Staude 0429 777230

Johnny Mullagh Park: (Caravan and Camping) President:  Heath Mc Clure- 0429 881272

caretaker/bookings: Kerry Mc Clure- 0455 881210

Harrow Promotion & Development Group: President: Ron Penrose 0488 140792

Harrow Historical Society: 5588 1286


Harrow Garage: Nathan O Brien 5588 1242